Let’s Reimagine Campaign

The Reimagining Dementia Coalition has created an original song and video, Let’s Reimagine.

The song and video introduces the power of creativity in transforming the culture of dementia and invites people across the globe to join us in making a difference.

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“SO MUCH possibility, if we just reimagine it!”

 Let’s Reimagine - A Song and Video

Recognizing the power of the arts for social change, Reimagining Dementia: A Creative Coalition for Justice teamed up with Simon Law to create an original song, “Let’s Reimagine” as part of a global campaign.

The song features people living with dementia as soloists, chorus members and through spoken word.

A very special thank you to the Steering Committee Members whose contributions to the video were invaluable.

Let’s Reimagine Song and Video - Malaysian version

We also invite you to create a version of the song and/or video in your language and with people in your communities. For example:

  • Create additional lyrics

  • Add new spoken word sections and/or new chants

  • Create a guitar (or other instrument) version

  • Create a dance to the full song

There is so much more – it’s up to you!

Because this is how we will reach every corner of the world with our message of hope, humanity, joy and growth.

Download the song lyrics [Word version]

Download the song lyrics [PDF version]

hands playing music

Song tracks

(If you would like to request WAV versions of the song please contact simon.law@mac.com).

If you do create your own version: Please tag #reimaginingdementia in your social media so we can share your versions with our larger community, repost on social media and on our website. 

However you want to use the song, let’s keep reimagining!

What people have said about Let’s Reimagine

“So beautiful, powerful and inspiring!”

“Spreading and creating more humanity around the world and leading the end of stigma and the tragedy narrative

“The pictures had people with such beautiful, happy smiles on their faces that it brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for such a beautiful piece! … really honored all those with dementia

“Thank you for showing the natural joy of the love between people living with dementia and young children! It’s important that we enable these relationships to flourish”

“Very positively emotional and hopeful

“Love the diversity - a real sense of a world view connected through a shared passion

“So moving, so transforming

“Inspirational, there is hope and love and joy as we walk in the uncharted waters surrounding dementia; care partners and the many living with dementia and all of us changing the world's view

“Inspires me to keep working hard in my work with all seniors…so much vibrancy and life in seniors without dementia and with dementia

“Thanks for opening my heart even further to this sometimes scary and sometimes uncomfortable way of being. Through your work, you have surpassed these two feelings for me and for many others. Especially the song will linger. Reimagining... so critical to all of us in our lives

Here are just some of the ways you can!

  • Share the Let’s Reimagine song and video with friends, family, community organizations, agencies and institutions, care homes, schools and universities, faith groups, conferences, gatherings both small and large, etc.

  • Donate to the Coalition so that we can continue to reimagine dementia around the world.

  • Spread word about the Let’s Reimagine campaign via social media, email, newsletters, blogs, podcasts, web radio programs, websites and word-of-mouth.

  • Share our press release and use our social media toolkit (includes posts and tweets and emails)

  • Introduce the Let’s Reimagine campaign to local, regional and national media

  • Let us know how you are/have been inspired to reimagine dementia

  • Read our Call to Action and become a member

    • Invite others to become members of – Reimagining Dementia: A Creative Coalition for Justice – it’s free and your level of involvement is up to you.

Missed the Let’s Reimagine
Launch event?
Watch it here!

susan massad

Let’s Reimagine is dedicated to

Susan Massad, M.D.
Co-founder, Reimagining Dementia Coalition
May 1938 – November 2021

Named by New York Magazine as a “Doctor of the Year” in 2004, Susan Massad was an activist physician and community organizer for more than 55 years and whose kind and welcoming spirit impacted the lives of thousands.

While she will be sorely missed, her deeply humanist contributions to community medicine and health, and her creative approach to challenging the “tragedy narrative” surrounding dementia will forever be recognized as a significant contribution to culture change work.

Yes, Let's! 

Yes, let's create communities where everyone thrives.

Yes, let's break the stigma.

Yes, let's challenge the discrimination


We’re reimagining dementia

from beginning to end.

We’re a grassroots coalition

committed to creativity, inclusion, and radical change.


Creating new ways to love and hope

and a world where diagnosis

is not the end of life but a starting point

for growth, joy and new possibilities.


Together we can…

Together we will…

Together we must…

Transform the journey of dementia for everyone.


Yes, let’s!