Reimagine a World
by Nicolette McDermott-Ketchum 

Reimagine a world where we are all accepted

Accepted for the unique person we are

Accepted for what makes us different

Accepted for what makes us similar

Accepted for just being human

Reimagine a world where it is enough to just be

To be ourselves with all of our needs

To be ourselves with all of our gifts we have to offer

To be ourselves with family and friends

To be ourselves when we are alone


Reimagine a world where we encourage each other

We encourage each other to collectively create

We encourage each other to communicate with each other

We encourage each other to reach out

We encourage each other to love one another


Reimagine a world where love is shared

Love is shared with people who agree with us

Love is shared with people who disagree with us

Love is shared with people in our community who are friends

Love is shared with people in our community whom we have yet to meet 

Reimagine a better world for all of us filled with love, joy and acceptance.


Zombies, Ghosts, & Skeletons: Shifting Perceptions of Dementia from Horror Story to Fully Human


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